◾️ Nomflix
# Github : https://github.com/cit007/nomflix
# Deploy URL : https://cit007nomflix.netlify.app/
- Learning React/ReactHooks and ES6 by building a Movie Discovery App.
Introduction – the project’s aim
- Clone Coding : https://popcorntime-online.ch/
- Data Source API : https://www.themoviedb.org/
- This webpage fetch json data async and show data using Reactjs.
- more info:component/hooks/route/sytyled-component/axios/etc.
- function component / class component => react hooks
- route and nested route
- styled-component with custom tag/attribute
- beautiful data fetch using axios
Installed Package
- Axios
- styled-components
- react-router-dom
- etc(Youtube/Loading)
- Home(Movie)
- TV Shows
- Search
- Deta